cells are to the body, employees are a to an organization. Cells are the most
basic and fundamental unit of an organism. A collection of similarly
functioning cells form a tissue, a tissue further forms an organ, an organ form
an organ system and ultimately the organism's body.
To keep a body healthy and properly functioning, it is important to maintain the
cells healthy. In the same way, employees are the basic and fundamental unit of
any organization.
To maintain the prosperity of the organization and for it to reach to new
heights, it is essential for the organization to keep their employees healthy
and happy.
When a cell is stressed it does not work properly to its full potential and
hence we can see its effect on the body of the organism. The same way if the
employee is unhealthy or stressed, it’s not possible for them to work
efficiently and their lack of work will have its impact on the overall work of
the organization.
The biggest problem with any relationship is the lack of communication. And that extends beyond the personal life and into the work life.
The issue starts when employees avoid speaking upfront to their employers for fear of retribution, a valid feeling in many cases.
But there are plenty of things employers can do to open the lines of communication, like making time for employees, giving feedback, listening closely, asking questions and above all else, not hiding in the office and directing traffic solely through emails.
2. Biased PAY
It’s hard to find an employee who thinks they make too much money. So the best employers can do is live up to fair-wage standards.
Complaining about salary, in most cases, won’t increase a worker’s wage. What employees can do to boost their paychecks is emphasize their experience, improve their education, point out positive performance reviews, work less desirable
,but higher paying shifts, and exemplify successes.
When an employee feels unappreciated at work, the stress it creates can have a fatal blow to the company’s productivity and bottom line.
There are several ways to display appreciation, but the simplest ones are sometimes all that’s necessary.
4. OVERburden
If you’ve never felt overworked at one time in your career, you probably don’t have a pulse. Aside from not getting paid enough, this is probably the most common complaint, an employee has – whether it’s true or not.
And it certainly can have more impact than getting a hundred bucks less in your paycheck.
The toll on overworked employees can include fatigue, irritability, weight gain, insomnia, and a whole host of other physical and mental ailments.
If someone receives special treatment at work, it’s bound to ruffle the feathers of fellow employees.
Whether it’s more money, an undeserved promotion or a better schedule, favoritism by an employer can be a destructive force to morale.
6. Amateurish MANAGERS
There’s at least one in every company. The man or woman who people shake their head at and ask, “How in the world did they get that job?”
Thousands of unqualified bosses slip up the ranks and into positions they have no right to hold. It’s just part of the work life, and it aggravates the heck out of employees.
There’s not a lot of workers can do if they’re under the thumb of a bumbling boss, so turn the situation around. If the boss is no good, it gives the employee a better chance to stand out and score major bonus points with senior management.
Finding yourself with a ceiling over your career is not a good place for an employee to be in. The first step is taking an honest look at the situation and listing the reasons you’re not getting promoted.
If an employee feels they’re qualified and constantly getting passed up for a promotion, take the initiative, get yourself noticed and learn what’s needed to be considered for the job.
It may be the simple fact that there are no positions to move up into. And if that drags on for years, it may be time to move on to another company or line of work.
Everyone’s had the micromanaging boss breathing down their neck. The boss that’s involved is great. The one who’s over-involved can be a nightmare. The micromanager shows little trust in employees and robs them of the ability to do their job.
Micromanagers usually have an obsessive-compulsive behavior and fear if they don’t stay on top of an employee, then their job is on the line.
The only real way to stop an employer from micromanaging is to tell them that you can produce better results if given the freedom to do so. Of course, that conversation has to be polite and tactful.
With outsourcing, downsizing, globalization, and pressure to meet the bottom line, job security has become a scarce commodity.
A substantial amount of employees has been made to feel as valuable to the company as a paper clip. Therefore, the backlash has been that workers are changing jobs at a clip of every three years.

Having so many issues takes a toll on the performance of employees.
Making it important for the employers to take a minute and think about how they can take care of wellness of employees.
But wellness programs can be quite costly to arrange, that’s why it is important to make a wellness plan for employees that too on a low budget.
Some of those low budget plans can be:
Employee break areas and meeting rooms should be stocked with plenty of healthy low-fat snacks instead of salty or sugary ones.
Give employees the ability to make healthier choices about the way they snack when you buy these products in bulk.
• Walk Paths:
It costs next to nothing to establish an area around the company building for a walking area.
Simply designate an area of the company property for lunchtime walks, give out cheap pedometers to employees so they can track their movement on their breaks.
• Chill - Out Zones:
Every office needs at least one “safe” area where employees can cry, vent, or distress after a, particularly tough day. Create space in your building where employees can get this out of their system without the embarrassment of losing it in front of peers.
• Employee Assistance Program:
These very low-cost programs give employees the ability to call a caring counselor about any area of their work or personal life to get confidential support when they need it the most.
• Water Coolers:
Water is essential for a healthy mind and body, therefore your office should provide fresh water at all times. Get a water cooler through a local rental program or buy drinking water in bulk cases and make sure the office fridge is stocked.
• Workable Work Schedules:
A zero cost benefit that gives employees more work-life balance is a huge perk for many working people, especially those who are caring for others or raising kids.
Give employees a flexible schedule so they can arrive at their chosen time in the morning, have lunches or work from home if they need to, and go home on their 8-hour-per-day schedules.
• Catered Lunches:
Employees may skip meals or make unhealthy meal choices when they are too busy or stressed out.
At least once a month, make it a point to bring in a catering company to prepare and serve a healthy meal to your workers.
• Plants in the Office:
Too many offices and workplaces are filled with stuffy, recycled air that can make employees feel sluggish.
Make it a healthier place by adding plenty of oxygen-producing plants everywhere.
• Exercise Clubs:
Make the workplace fun and encourage employees to get up and moving with exercise clubs for walkers, runners, and those who love organized sports.
A basketball hoop set up on one end of the parking lot can support this goal too.
• Employee Incentives:
When employees make the ultimate choice to get healthy, lose weight, or break a bad habit, they often respond well to incentives like peer recognition, movie tickets, and reduced health insurance costs – things you can support.
• Group Outings:
Company picnics, team building, and other group outings can be very beneficial to employee well-being. Give managers the ability to schedule these outings at least once or twice a year for their teams.
• Paid Voluntary Insurance:
Voluntary benefits can be very inexpensive and provide just the wellness support that employees need. They can also reduce financial stress by giving employees a buffer against the worry about health and retirement concerns.
• 24/7 Nurse Hotline:
Having fast access to medical advice is a low-cost option that can be included in a corporate wellness program.
A live telephone nurse hotline can be used to help employees get the help they need before spending an expensive visit in hospital emergency care center.
"Originally posted at www.indzola.com"
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